Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy
Europe Programme of the European


Project REACH had two overall objectives:

  1. To empower energy poor households to take actions to save energy and change their habits.
  2. To establish energy poverty as an issue that demands tailor-made policies and measures at local, national and EU level.

Each of the objectives was supported with specific aims that project was trying to achieve:

  • to compile data and analyze energy poverty situation in four countries in order to form definition(s) of energy poverty and policy recommendations
  • to engage and empower local actors to tackle energy poverty,
  • to empower energy poor households to reduce their energy and water use and provide some of them with further support for tackling their problems,
  • to engage decision-makers in tackling energy poverty as an issue that demands structural tailor-made solutions, provide them with recommendations for addressing the problem and create a platform for concerted formulation of structural solutions at national and EU level.

The strategic objectives of the action were:

  • to make available approaches for energy poverty abatement that are applicable to other regions in order to launch similar action in other countries,
  • to sustain local actions in the pilot regions on a long run and spread it to other interested localities and countries by continued training of energy advisors in schools, continued implementation of visits, and promoting the action to variety of actors across the EU,
  • to ensure that energy poverty receives structural solutions on local, national or EU level.