Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy
Europe Programme of the European
February 28, 2017

Training of partners to deliver home visits

April 28, 2014

In order to share the knowledge and skills for energy advising among the partners of REACH and build their capacity to deliver training at national level, a one-day training was organised in Ljubljana on 25 April 2014. The training was also opened to the persons, mainly coming from EU accession countries, who expressed interest in participating in order to share the knowledge gained it in their own countries.

To ensure that the training meets the needs of the trainees and addresses nationally specific issues, a short needs assessment for training of partners was conducted among the partners. Based on the needs assessment, the training program was formed. The training consisted of a short workshop for the participants and a visit to a household where the obtained information could be used in practice.

The materials from the training are available here:
Introduction to the household visits for saving energy and water, Tomislav Tkalec, Focus
Program tools, devices and equipment for household visits, Tomislav Tkalec, Focus
Communication with low income households, Tomislav Tkalec, Focus
Working with schools and social centers, Vasil Zlatev, Energy Agency Plovdiv
Program tool for calculation of savings
Data collection sheet

