Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy
Europe Programme of the European
February 28, 2017

How deep is energy poverty in Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia?

November 26, 2014

Data availability for the field of fuel poverty is a challenging issue in all countries covered by REACH. Situation analysis is either not available or is out of date. For this reason REACH partners started their work by collecting data in Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia. They looked into figures for general poverty, unemployment, difficulties to pay bills, state of building fund and similar. In order to provide insight into the scope and depth of the energy poverty problem they analyzed the gathered data. With the analysis they tried to build foundations for forming a workable definition of fuel poverty in the covered countries.

The results of the analysis can be viewed here:
–    Bulgaria (here in Bulgarian)
–    Croatia (here in Croatian) (please note that the analysis is a so called ‘rolling document’)
–    Macedonia (here in Macedonian)
–    Slovenia (here in Slovenian)