Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy
Europe Programme of the European

Project publications


Final project report

Final project report is available here.


National situation in the field of energy poverty for:


Energy poverty in the project pilot areas:


Sustainability strategies of the project in the pilot areas:


Training of partners 


Training of teachers and students


Training course for energy advisers


Materials for working with local actors


Materials for working with households


Presentations of the project’s kick-off event Sharing EU know-how on energy poverty:

  • Approaches to tackling energy poverty at practical level in Germany by Barbara Kalker from Caritas Frankfurt
  • Approaches to tackling energy poverty at practical level in Hungary by Zsuzsanna Kiraly from Energy Club
  • Approaches to tackling energy poverty at practical level in Bulgaria by Vasil Zlatev from Energy Agency Plovdiv 
  • Approaches to tackling energy poverty at structural level by Lara Blake from Internal Market III: Retail markets; coal & oil, Directorate-General for Energy.
  • Specifics of energy poverty in the Balkans by Stefan Buzarovski, Director of the Centre for Urban Resilience and Energy at University of Manchester
  • Definitions and dimensions of energy poverty in Europe by Brenda Boardman of Environmental Change Institute at University of Oxford


Materials for working with policy- and decision-makers


Project promotion materials